Monday, March 18, 2013

Warrior Diet Measurements

I'm seriously the worst diet guinea pig ever. I'm sorry I've been holding it off, LOL. I've just been so busy. Anyway, I got some of my measurements down.

Bust: 78cm
Chest: 71cm
Waist: 63 . 5cm
Hips: 77cm
Thighs: 48cm
Calves: 32 . 5
Upper arm: 24cm
Forearm: 22 . 5

Body Fat Percentage: 23.93%

Weight: 45kg
BMI: 13 . 3
Height: 156 . 21cm

If you can tell, these measurements are totally not accurate, but it's a start /awkward laugh.
I'll be telling you guys what I ate everyday...starting tomorrow. :) Happy dieting.

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