Saturday, June 8, 2013

Making The Impossible Possible

......15 pounds in 6 days
....6 kg in 6 days
..1 kg per day, right? Simple?
1 Kilogram = 2.20462 Pounds
In order to reach my goal, I'm going to have to lose about 2.5 lbs a day. I'm willing to take the blow if it makes me skinny though.
Here's my diet for today (Will be updating after each meal)

1 Bagel with cream cheese on half of it
1 Glass of Water
=273 Calories

(P.S. A good chrome app for calculating and keeping track of calories is Diet Diary. It has very cute colors and really makes your diet feel official. Just go to the Chrome Web Store and search up diet diary. Something like this should come up...

Monday, March 18, 2013

Warrior Diet Measurements

I'm seriously the worst diet guinea pig ever. I'm sorry I've been holding it off, LOL. I've just been so busy. Anyway, I got some of my measurements down.

Bust: 78cm
Chest: 71cm
Waist: 63 . 5cm
Hips: 77cm
Thighs: 48cm
Calves: 32 . 5
Upper arm: 24cm
Forearm: 22 . 5

Body Fat Percentage: 23.93%

Weight: 45kg
BMI: 13 . 3
Height: 156 . 21cm

If you can tell, these measurements are totally not accurate, but it's a start /awkward laugh.
I'll be telling you guys what I ate everyday...starting tomorrow. :) Happy dieting.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Warrior Diet

I was seriously going to start today, but, I forgot to measure everything and such. I'm planning on start at sunday, actually. Here's what my diet is going to look like. The first two weeks I will follow my diet STRICTLY. After that time period, I will see if I lost weight. If I did, I will give myself a day in the week to pig out some. If not, I will keep on with my diet until my ideal weight. <I sound so very arrogant, sorry!<
Below are the measurements I will take before Sunday.

Bust: Measure around the chest right at the nipple line, but don't pull the tape too tight.
Chest: Measure just under your bust
Waist: Measure a half-inch above your belly button or at the smallest part of your waist
Hips: Place tape measure around the biggest part of your hips
Thighs: Measure around the biggest part of each thigh
Calves: Measure around the largest part of each calf
Upper arm: Measure around the largest part of each arm above the elbow
Forearm: Measure around the largest part of the arm below the elbow.
(As taken from

Body Fat Percentage:

:) I'll update when I get my measurements.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Warrior Diet (One Meal a Day Diet)

The thing that aggravates me and frustrates me the most is how much weight fat I gained. I hate thinking about how only a year ago I was able to slip into my jeans, whereas this year I have to squeeze into them. I've tried many different diets, but none of them have been working, or I just couldn't do it (like the water diet, is that possible?) So I decided to set my mind before starting another diet. My skinny friend said that she lost a lot of weight using this diet, and another friend also, so I decided to give it a try. Things you should know about this diet:

Eating only once a day not only helps shed kilos but also keeps one young-looking and healthy, according to the doctor who seems at least 15 years younger than his actual age, 57 — a good way of marketing his theory.

Nagumo said that he weighed around 80 kilograms in his 30s, excessive when considering he measures just over 170 centimeters. Obesity caused him problems such as back pain and an irregular heartbeat. They became so severe that he decided to lose weight.

He first calculated calories as most of people do when they start diet. “It was very bothersome. I gave up after a few weeks. I thought of my own way and decreased the number of dishes I ate. I just had rice, porridge, and a side dish. Then I started losing weight.”

He went further, switching to children’s portions. He lost more weight. “Until that time, I thought eating three meals was good for one’s health.”

He began to feel sleepy after lunch, which was problematic as a surgeon. So he gave up lunch. He sometimes skipped breakfast if he felt full or had no appetite in the morning leading to having one meal a day.

“I not only lost weight, but also felt healthier and younger. I didn’t know the reason, so I started researching why one meal a day is good for one’s health.”

He pointed out that a full lion wouldn’t attack a rabbit even if passing immediately in front of it. Man, however, would eat again at lunch even if only a little while has passed since breakfast. He said the 170,000 year history of mankind has been a fight against hunger. “The genes that are nutrition-effective survived. People evolved in the way that they gain weight with the small amount of food they eat.”

He asserted that people get healthy while their stomach is empty. “Animals’ immunity level falls when they are full due to adipocytokines. It hurts cells of the vessels, causing sclerosis. When one is hungry, however, protein hormone adiponectin lets the vessels recover. Animals rarely have sclerosis but as men eat even if they are not hungry, adiponectin doesn’t work, leading to sclerosis,” he explained.

Nagumo said that one should feel hungry — or make their stomach vacant — at least once a day to avoid disease. When one is hungry, growth hormones and sirtuin are also activated, both of which keep people feeling young, he added. However, he doesn’t recommend the diet for children and slim women who haven’t gone through menopause. He also added that one should eat something more when the stomach makes sounds due to hunger.
As taken from

I would appreciate it if you guys support my decision on this! If you have any question I will be happy to answer them. since I'm a bit camera shy, I'll just tell you how i look about right now. Right now, I'm close to Kara's Nicole's body before she started her diet. Maybe I'm a tad bit skinnier, I'm not sure. I'm not hating on Nicole! She's awesome:)
(Left picture is the before picture)
I will post updates on this diet everyday. And I MEAN everyday, since I need all the support I can get. I really don't want to break this diet thing. :)

Sunday, February 24, 2013


I'm on a very bad diet right now. I know I should exercise, and eat healthy, but, I'm skipping lunch and dinner. Please don't judge me, I made this decision. Also, if you guys are thinking about a good (and healthy?) diet...please look at this fourteen day diet plan:

It's called the Denmark Diet, and some kpop stars have used it. I know Kara's Nicole used it. Even though you are on this diet, you still need to exercise. Some people have lost 10-26 pounds just by using this diet plan. I hoped this helped, and if you have any questions please comment below. If it's a personal thing, just email me at . 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

GD&TOP Cereal

Just something I saw on tumblr that I found funny >.<
Credit to @welcometokpophell


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

SHINee "Dream Girl" MV


Okay, so first of all, I know I was supposed to post this at Monday, which was when it came out, but I forgot to freaking publish it. <facepalm> So please excuse this late post, and comment! I like to know people are reading my blog other than checking up no the views... 

ALSO...Should I start doing Outfit of the Days? IDK...if I have bad fashion sense, don't kill me, just tell me.  

When I first clicked on the video, I was holding my breath and hoping for the best.^^
I really liked all their hairstyles, and outfits (? I'm not really sure I was staring at their faces too much), but when I looked closer, they had dark circles! They either work too hard, or their makeup artists suck at putting on makeup. I really don't think it's the latter. 
The song was okay, nothing THAT special...I mean come on, after a few hours I forgot the whole TUNE!
I remember I liked a specific part of Jonghyun's...I'm going to have to listen to "Dream girl" again...

BUT...This is just what I thought of it. I can tell they worked really hard, judging from their dark circles. 
They're still hot so...^^


I kind of feel like this is like "Dazzling Girl", but more...different(?)